The 0800 258 258 CitySafe toll-free number enables people to report any hazard, public safety issue or graffiti vandalism within the District.
You can also “Report a Hazard” online on this website; and
For general Council maintenance, bylaws or other enquiries
Call Freephone: 0800 WDC INFO or 0800 932 463 (24hrs)
Do it Online: “Report a Problem” on the Whangarei District Council website.
NOTE: There are various departments and categories to choose from.
For Police
Dial 111 for an emergency or anything happening now, no matter how trivial… or *555 for road safety matters.
NOTE: 111 calls are free. You can call this number on a mobile phone even if the phone is out of credit.
Police provide an emergency TXT service for people with hearing or speech difficulties.
For more information click on the following link
Police – Do it Online
Report crime anonymously: contact Crimestoppers
- Call Crimestoppers free on 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers gives an absolute guarantee that calls cannot be traced. Calls are not recorded and the caller ID number is not able to be viewed in the call centre.
- Fill in the secure online Giving information form
Find out more on the Crimestoppers website