Dr Shane Reti, National List MP based in Whangarei
Dr Shane Reti was elected as the Member of Parliament for Whangarei in the 2014, 2017 general elections and again as a National Party list MP in 2020
Dr Reti has held a wide range of portfolios. He is currently the Spokesperson for Health and Deputy Leader of the National Party. He has been the Spokesperson for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, Spokesperson for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations (Treaty Settlements), associate spokesperson for Drug Reform, Spokesperson for Data and Cybersecurity and Spokesperson for Disability Issues. Politics is Shane’s third career. In his first career he practiced family medicine and dermatology in Whangarei for 16 years. In his second career he was awarded NZ Harkness Fellow to Harvard and was sent to America in 2007 to gather international experience to bring home.
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